Justin Baptist

Name: Justin Baptist Blappy

Age: 24

Hometown: Denpasar
Likes: Brunner’s Ex-girlfriends, Smokin’ darts

Bio: Justin Blaptist is an extremely crafty footballer. We’ve all seen him play. Some might even say he was the first Cyril Rioli. Week in week out he gets the job done. His silky smooth ball work and his precise pidgeon kicks contribute to the reserves being such a dominant force over the last few years and in many more years to come. The nick name Blappy is something he holds close to his heart (search Blap on urbandictionary.com for full meaning). Whether it be racking up possessions in the midfield every Saturday, being concussed on the sideline struggling to talk or out on the town blappin’ women; Justin is definitely one to keep your eye on in 2012. The big question, will this magical midfielder make an appearance in the League side in 2012?

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