Chris Millsteed

Name: Chris Millsteed

Aliases: Milky, Milly, Milkstain, Milkdud

Likes: Bully, trainers, getting caught holding the ball, having X-Rays and applying sunscreen before games.

Bio: Chris is heavily involved in the football club and recently he created the 90’s party as an excuse to sport a shit haircut and raid his mum’s lingerie drawer. Surprisingly however, Milky has had the occasional girlfriend. She can be seen in Picture magazine or hired for private functions under the name Heidi-AnneL

Chris has had his fair share of adversity throughout his time at SNESA. After breaking his collar bone and his ankle in consecutive years he was diagnosed with osteoporosis. The doctor compared his bone density to that of a 30kg post-menopausal woman. Despite this Milky has worked extremely hard in the gym over the last year to get to a stage where he is now big enough to play colts.

He would like to say his parents supported him through this time, however, his dad has watched more SNESA games during the time Milky was out injured than when not, and last we heard they moved house and didn’t tell him …

Candy, candy …. Balllllllll! Milky has the ability to dodge the first and second attempted tackles, however never the third and can’t actually take an uncontested mark without his shoulder popping out. When he is fit and healthy, Milky can be seen working behind the bar, canteen or setting up the oval – he also likes designing clothes and wearing tight unisex jeans.

Milky has thrived in an environment that doesn’t discriminate and as a result he has become an absolute stalwart and without his leadership and influence the club would not be where it is today.

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